Illuminated Installations
Recently my work has taken a turn from yarn installations toward illuminated work. LED rope lights and Electroluminescent Wire are becoming my medium of choice these days. When you think about it, both light forms can be used exactly as any other fiber material - they can be knit, woven and wound just like yarn.
2016 Redmond Lights
Who knew you could have so much fun with pool noodles in the wintertime? What's even better is they float. Here they are displayed floating on the Sammamish River. The current was fairly strong, enough that they needed to be secured on the opposite riverside to keep them from collecting along the shore down river. By the end of the evening the current had pulled most of the lights under so they all faced down river.
Arts-A-Glow 2017
Vinca Vine: I was asked to return for the 10th Anniversary of Arts-A-Glow. This ivy covered hillside never looked so cheerful with flowering vines made of bright;y colored pool noodles.
Fiber Grass, originally created for Arts-A-Glow 2015 is given new life as a store front display in Auburn's ONE Main Building as part of their Streetscapes Program. 11/8/2016-2/23/2017.