Environments are constantly changing – erupting, evolving or decaying. Altering environments has been at the core of my creative passion since I became a public artist. My focus has been juxtaposing what is seen as proper use of materials. Yarn installed outside, exposed to the elements, is later repurposed into fantasy environments of knitting that grow indoors.
Earlier this year I was awarded 4Culture's Tech Specific Grant and contracted by the City of Auburn to design an illuminated ceiling installation for their new Teen Center Makers’ Space. The result is an open ended, programmable, centerpiece for a space dedicated to development of creative technology. With assistance from local teens, a series of electroluminescent wire webs were woven and later assembled to form the installation. My hope is that the project can be expanded on at a later date by the teens to fit their needs. The potential is there for them to add sensors that would allow the installation to respond to sound, changes in light or even temperature.